Adobe Data Capability Assessment

The value of data analytics can be hard to quantify. Often it is at one step removed from value delivery – insight only unlocks value when it is acted upon.

But right now, it’s essential for every part of your data organisation to demonstrate its positive impact. That includes tools, skills and capability, and how these map to real business value outcomes.

Overcome limitations to achieve a successful customer data programme

“I have a team of analysts doing a load of work. But is doesn’t seem to lead to results!”

“We have very siloed information, and the systems don’t talk to each other, so we can’t use the data effectively.”

“I know the data is good, but no-one seems to use it to make any decisions!”

“We have a load of data, but we don’t know how to use it!”

…Sound familiar?

So how do you overcome these hurdles and start to see real value from your Adobe data, ensure you’re getting full value from the tools, and take your data capability to the next level?

Our unique assessment includes:

Comprehensive Data Assessment

Tried-and-tested 25 point assessment about your Adobe Analytics data usage across the organisation.

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Data Maturity Assessment

Identification of level of maturity for Adobe Analytics data, against key dimensions: People and Culture, Data Activation, Processes & Features and Technology.

Collated Responses & Analysis

Collated responses from across your team or business to identify discrepancies & gaps in usage & value across groups.

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High-Level Data Asset Value Assessment

Based on your responses, we will categorise the types of value that you are deriving from Adobe Analytics.

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Best Practice Benchmarks for Data Usage

Based on our expertise, a clear explanation of how your usage of data ranks against best practice.

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Recommendations for Next Steps

Based on data maturity scores, recommendations on what your next steps should be on the path to value to inform your Analytics & Data Strategy.

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