David Ellis

Founder & Managing Director
I provide strategic advice for clients, partners and colleagues alike.  Ensuring the smooth running of the entire Station10 operation I help guide the business and clients towards success. As with all Managing Director roles I get involved in all sorts, but my passion is getting involved and directing client projects and leading our partner relationships here at Station10. I started Station10 because of the emergence of multichannel experiences and the need for actionable insight. I could see there was a need from clients for an agile data insight consultancy that could help clients at the forefront of digital push the boundaries but would also help those who were further behind on the curve. At Station10 we help clients big and small to progress their multichannel journey; defining, improving or transforming the digital experience. Accelerating strategic growth for your business. We are a values-driven company and we believe in doing things the right way for the good of society, businesses and the environment. Before starting Station10, I worked for over 14 years at multiple agencies including Syzygy and Conchango; so with 25 years in Digital Analytics, I am well placed to help advise any company on their Digital and Insight journey. Hiring our first employee was a momentous occasion. Now with a team of 25 people, it’s fantastic to see how the team gels together, pulling together to tackle challenges and celebrate successes. At Station10 we have a wonderful range of personalities, skills and interests and it truly feels like one big family. I love to exercise outside, be it running a marathon distance round the Chilterns or cycling from London to Oxford. I thrive on the physical and mental challenge of pushing myself one step further. You never know what you can achieve until you try.

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